Recommended Reading

For those who are interested in learning more about liberty, economics, and other related topics, here are some of the books and sources that have helped me along the way.


The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul
Where it all began for me. Great introduction to liberty.

Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
Great beginner's introduction to economics. It's not dry, like a textbook. Uses various real world scenarios to illustrate that which is seen and that which is unseen in common economic policy.  
The Law, Frederick Bastiat
Centuries ahead of his time, Bastiat explores what the role of the law and government should be. Short, easy read.

What Has Government Done to Our Money? Murray Rothbard
An introduction to understanding our monetary system. Another short, easily digestible book that doesn't require too much time or effort to understand.

Meltdown, Thomas E. Woods
A free-market look at why the stock market collapsed, the economy tanked, and government bailouts will make things worse. Tom Woods communicates with wit and sarcasm in explaining why all those who blame the recent housing/economic collapse on "laissez-faire capitalism" couldn't be more wrong.

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin
Maybe more of an intermediate read for those who already have some knowledge of the Federal Reserve. A fairly long book that goes into the history of the Fed and why and how it was created. "This book is about the most blatant scam of history. It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Your world view will definitely change."


Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom
The history and economics they didn't teach you. "They" being most government run and private schools. Offers courses taught by university professors on U.S. History, U.S. Constitutional History, Intro to Austrian Economics, Logic, John Maynard Keynes, and Western Civilization with more classes to be added. Only $99/year for an absolute trove of information that you would pay one hundred times more for at a university. The forums and monthly live sessions offer subscribers the opportunity to ask questions of the professors. I'm still working my way through it but it's an awesome resource. I encourage you to use this link to sign up for the classes.

Ludwig von Mises Institute
Advancing Austrian economics, liberty, and peace.  It serves as the world's leading provider of educational materials in support of the tradition of thought represented by Ludwig von Mises. It is the mission of the Mises Institute to place human choice at the center of economic theory, and to advance the Misesian tradition of thought through the defense of the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations, while opposing government intervention as economically and socially destructive.

Ben Swann
Ben Swann was a local news reporter in Cincinnati who gained national prominence when he introduced the "Reality Check" segments into his local newscasts. In contrast to the usual consumer alerts or other fluff pieces most local news stations air, Ben started talking about issues the traditional mainstream media tend to ignore. He has since cut his ties from corporate media and has launched his "Truth in Media" project where he has continued his "Reality Check" series, covering issues like the NSA spying case, uncovering the truth behind the Syrian rebels, and questioning President Obama directly about the Constitutionality of his "kill list". Swann continues speaking truth to power with the support of everyday people like you and me, not corporate backers.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post
 BFP is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues while defying blinded partisanship. Sibel worked as a language specialist for the FBI's Washington Field Office before she was fired as retaliation for her blowing the whistle on national security breaches she discovered while working there. With her FBI and international background, she offers unique commentary and perspective on world events and connects the dots on the international level much better than the mainstream media. She also remains free from corporate or think tank funding to provide unvarnished truth to the people.

I can certainly offer more links and resources but I think these are the most important and each of these resources will also come with their own links for you to do your own exploring. Beware though, once you're awake there's no going back to sleep!
Ms. Edmonds worked as a language specialist for the FBI’s Washington Field Office. - See more at:
Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship - See more at:
Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship. - See more at:
Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship. - See more at:
Boiling Frogs Post is an online news, editorial, analysis, and Podcast interview site covering select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship. - See more at:

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